Giddy up!
The Colts opened as a 9' point favorite and are down to 7 at home against the Jags this Sunday.
The 9' might seem like alot, but the Colts are explosive and have scored easily against the Jags before. They built a big lead on the Jags last December in Jacksonville, and held on to win after an extended span of garbage time that saw the Jags come back enough to push an 8-point spot.
The Jags are the current darlings of John Q. Public, they are a road dog that, at this writing, are getting the majority of wagers for the game, according to (I highly recommend the FREE membership). It's only 54 percent, but still, a road dog getting most of the action is an anomaly, bordering on a rarity. (The Bengals are drawing 73 percent of the wagers getting 2 at Pittsburgh, make that two anomalies on the same weekend. I've said this seems to be a wierd season, and I'll have to stick by that comment.) That's what pitching a shutout at the defending champions on MNF will do for a team. Well, that and being discovered by the bald, orange stooge in the booth.
Okay, enough digression. I think the Colts will rout the Jags. No disrespect, the Jags are a solid team. But this is exactly what the Colts have been waiting for: a tough opponent they've had success against on it's own field in an early season game. The Colts will be motivated, the Jags might be a little hung over from the MNF party. And the line is down to one score. I'll take Indy and lay the 7.
See ya at the bank.